Results for 'Louise O. Vasvari'

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  1.  29
    Louise M. Haywood and Louise O. Vasvári, eds., A Companion to the “Libro de buen amor.” (Colección Támesis, A/209.) Woodbridge, Eng., and Rochester, N.Y.: Boydell and Brewer, 2004. Pp. xiii, 231; 1 table and 1 diagram. $90. [REVIEW]John Dagenais - 2006 - Speculum 81 (4):1205-1207.
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  2. Cultivos genéticamente modificados.O. Fresno Louise - 2005 - Enfoques 6.
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    When is your head at? An exploration of the factors associated with the temporal focus of the wandering mind.Jonathan Smallwood, Louise Nind & Rory C. O’Connor - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (1):118-125.
    Two experiments employed experience sampling to examine the factors associated with a prospective and retrospective focus during mind wandering. Experiment One explored the contribution of working memory and indicated that participants generally prospect when the task does not require continuous monitoring. Experiment Two demonstrated that in the context of reading, interest in what was read suppressed both past and future-related task-unrelated-thought. Moreover, in disinterested individuals the temporal focus during mind wandering depended on the amount of experience with the topic matter—less (...)
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    Functional and structural connectivity of frontostriatal circuitry in Autism Spectrum Disorder.Sonja Delmonte, Louise Gallagher, Erik O'Hanlon, Jane McGrath & Joshua H. Balsters - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  5.  42
    Higher education outreach: Examining key challenges for academics.Matthew Johnson, Emily Danvers, Tamsin Hinton-Smith, Kate Atkinson, Gareth Bowden, John Foster, Kristina Garner, Paul Garrud, Sarah Greaves, Patricia Harris, Momna Hejmadi, David Hill, Gwen Hughes, Louise Jackson, Angela O’Sullivan, Séamus ÓTuama, Pilar Perez Brown, Pete Philipson, Simon Ravenscroft, Mirain Rhys, Tom Ritchie, Jon Talbot, David Walker, Jon Watson, Myfanwy Williams & Sharon Williams - 2019 - British Journal of Educational Studies 67 (4):469-491.
  6.  6
    The Logic of Human Personality: An Onto-Logical Account.Mary Louise R. O'Hara - 1997 - Atlantic Highlands, NJ, USA: Humanity Books.
    The Logic of Human Personality shows how the ancient definition of person remains useful today, and explains how it happened to fall into disuse. The method of using the categories of Aristotle is illustrated by showing how action, relation, and time as well as the fundamental category of substance, can help us understand what it is to be a person. The Logic of Human Personality agrues, against Mill and others who have found Aristotle's categories unsatisfactory, that in fact they are (...)
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  7.  15
    Individual Differences and Hemispheric Asymmetries for Language and Spatial Attention.Louise O’Regan & Deborah J. Serrien - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  8. MAteriality : MA provoked/MA discovered/MA embraced.Siobhan-Louise O'Keefe - 2019 - In Boyd White, Anita Sinner & Pauline Sameshima (eds.), Ma: materiality in teaching and learning. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
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    A Driving Image of Revolution: The Irish Harp and Its Utopian Space in the Eighteenth Century.Mary Louise O’Donnell - 2010 - Utopian Studies 21 (2):252-273.
    ABSTRACT In this article the Irish harp tradition is re-configured as a space consisting of visual and sonic dimensions. The visual dimension of the Irish harp space incorporates the employment of the instrument in contemporary iconography; the sonic dimension includes the employment of the instrument as a metaphor in contemporary literature and songs. By employing Bloch’s concept of surplus and tracing the path of the Irish harp from its earliest employment in Christian iconography, its prominence as an icon of colonial (...)
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    Functional Analysis of Continuous, High-Resolution Measures in Aging Research: A Demonstration Using Cerebral Oxygenation Data From the Irish Longitudinal Study on Aging.John D. O’Connor, Matthew D. L. O’Connell, Roman Romero-Ortuno, Belinda Hernández, Louise Newman, Richard B. Reilly, Rose Anne Kenny & Silvin P. Knight - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  11. Review of Gordon Graham'The Internet: A Philosophical Inquiry'. [REVIEW]Kieron O'Hara & Louise Crow - 2001 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 15 (1):106-108.
  12.  38
    My journey into the ‘heart of whiteness’ whilst remaining my authentic (Black) self.April-Louise M. O. O. Pennant - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (3):245-256.
    The dire implications of navigating the overwhelming whiteness of the education system for Black women is foregrounded by the author’s autoethnography about her educational journey and experiences. Within it, the author illustrates the key role of her Black identity - despite being immersed in whiteness– to provide a strong sense of self, pride and resilience, which ultimately leads to her survival in the unequal spaces of the education system. By way of her own educational experiences, the author shares how she (...)
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  13.  24
    Esteemed connection: creating a mentoring relationship for nurse leadership.Andrea McCloughen, Louise O’Brien & Debra Jackson - 2009 - Nursing Inquiry 16 (4):326-336.
    Mentoring relationships occur across a range of nursing contexts and are shown to have multiple, favourable personal and professional outcomes. Specifically, mentoring has been associated with the development of nurse leaders. This study describes features that are integral to initiating mentoring relationships that focus on nursing leader development. These significant features are addressed in relation to the nursing literature. Thirteen nurse leaders from eastern states of Australia were interviewed during 2005 and 2006 about their understanding and experiences of mentoring for (...)
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    Implicit measurement of positive and negative future thinking as a predictor of depressive symptoms and hopelessness.Liv Kosnes, Robert Whelan, Aoife O’Donovan & Louise A. McHugh - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (3):898-912.
    Research using explicit measures has linked decreased positive future thinking, but not increased negative future thinking, with clinical depression. However, individuals may be unable or unwilling to express thoughts about the future, and can be unaware of implicit beliefs that can influence their behavior. Implicit measures of cognition may shed light on the role of future thinking in depression. To our knowledge, the current study presents the first implicit measure of positive and negative future thinking. A sample of 71 volunteers (...)
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  15.  64
    Ethical arguments for access to abortion services in the Republic of Ireland: recent developments in the public discourse.Joan McCarthy, Katherine O’Donnell, Louise Campbell & Dolores Dooley - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (8):513-517.
    The Republic of Ireland has some of the most restrictive abortion legislation in the world which grants to the ‘unborn’ an equal right to life to that of the pregnant woman. This article outlines recent developments in the public discourse on abortion in Ireland and explains the particular cultural and religious context that informs the ethical case for access to abortion services. Our perspective rests on respect for two very familiar moral principles – autonomy and justice – which are at (...)
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  16.  28
    Journey to become a nurse leader mentor: past, present and future influences.Andrea McCloughen, Louise O'Brien & Debra Jackson - 2014 - Nursing Inquiry 21 (4):301-310.
    Mentorship, often viewed as a central capacity of leadership, is acknowledged as influential in growing nurse leaders. Mentoring relationships are perceived as empowering connections offering a dynamic guided experience to promote growth and development in personal and professional life. A hermeneutic phenomenological approach informed by Heidegger and Gadamer was used to explore understandings and experiences of mentorship for nurse leadership by 13 Australian nurse leaders. We found that learning and transformation associated with becoming a nurse leader mentor was experienced as (...)
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  17.  32
    Are You What You Read? Predicting Implicit Attitudes to Immigration Based on Linguistic Distributional Cues From Newspaper Readership; A Pre-registered Study.Dermot Lynott, Michael Walsh, Tony McEnery, Louise Connell, Liam Cross & Kerry O’Brien - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Dispelling the Myth of the Non-Singer: Embracing Two Aesthetics for Singing.Louise M. Pascale - 2005 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 13 (2):165-175.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Dispelling the Myth of the Non-Singer:Embracing Two Aesthetics for SingingLouise M. PascaleI entered the Music Workshop course with trepidation. Of all the courses in my Master's program, I feared this one the most. My experiences with music have always been negative ones. As I entered the classroom, memories surfaced of the time I was told to mouth the words so I would not throw the rest of the class (...)
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    A primer for health care ethics: essays for a pluralistic society.Kevin D. O'Rourke (ed.) - 2000 - Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
    From Harry and Louise through the McCaughey septuplets, this book explains stories and issues in health care ethics that have appeared in the news media.
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  20.  26
    Clinical Germline Genome Editing: When Will Good be Good Enough?Helen C. O'Neill - 2020 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 63 (1):101-110.
    The year 2018 was the 40th anniversary of the birth of Louise Joy Brown, marking four decades of clinical in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer. Though this milestone, reached first by Steptoe and Edwards in the United Kingdom, is well acknowledged through Nobel accolade, the achievement was not entirely celebrated at the time. Global contention was not just moral, but political and legislative. In the United States, the achievement led in 1978 to the freezing of federal funds by the (...)
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  21.  26
    Henry, Marie-Louise, Glaubenskrise und Glaubensbewährung in den Dichtungen der Jesajaapokalypse. [REVIEW]O. García De La Fuente - 1969 - Augustinianum 9 (1):154-155.
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  22.  23
    Louise Weiss – The Travels of a European Woman.Maria Manuela Tavares Ribeiro - 2006 - Cultura:115-126.
    Louise Weiss (1893 – 1983) percorre, em múltiplas viagens, o Ocidente europeu, a América, as longínquas paragens do Oriente, o continente africano. A sua obra, em particular as Mémoires d’une Européenne, revela-se um testemunho eloquente de sua força anímica e do olhar atento e crítico das décadas vividas no século XX. É no espaço e no tempo das suas múltiplas viagens que Weiss diagnostica e espelha a relação de Alteridade Ocidente / Oriente, entre a Europa e o Outro. A (...)
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  23. Feminist Theory: A Philosophical Anthology.Ann E. Cudd & Robin O. Andreasen (eds.) - 2005 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Feminist Theory: A Philosophical Anthology addresses seven philosophically significant questions regarding feminism, its central concepts of sex and gender, and the project of centering women’s experience. Topics include the nature of sexist oppression, the sex/gender distinction, how gender-based norms influence conceptions of rationality, knowledge, and scientific objectivity, feminist ethics, feminst perspectives on self and autonomy, whether there exist distinct feminine moral perspectives, and what would comprise true liberation. Features an introductory overview illustrating the development of feminism as a philosophical movement (...)
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  24.  35
    African Philosophy and the Epistemic Marginalization of Women Jonathan O. Chimakonam and Louise du Toit (Eds.). London and New York: Routledge/ Taylor and Francis, 2018. ISBN 9780815359647. [REVIEW]Gail Presbey - 2021 - Hypatia 36 (e4):1-9.
    This book addresses the relative absence of the voices and ideas of African women in philosophy. Most of the authors (who are mostly African men) bemoan the fact that many voices are missing. Each contributes what they can to highlight the importance of the gap or to address the gap. The co-editors suggest that from its start, African philosophy intended to be egalitarian, emancipatory, and revolutionary, and so the current marginalization of African women should be a prominent concern. The review (...)
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  25.  25
    O "Parmênides" de Platão revisitado.Samuel Rickless - 2020 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11 (1):8.
    O Parmênides de Platão é um diálogo notoriamente desafiador. Para apresentar uma interpretação completamente satisfatória dele, cada argumento precisa ser reconstruído em seus próprios termos e se todas as reconstruções forem acuradas, as interconexões lógicas entre os argumentos de ambas as partes do diálogo devem revelar a mensagem geral do Parmênides. Aqui gostaria de resumir minha interpretação e considerar algumas importantes objeções e alternativas a ela, particularmente como estas aparecem nos trabalhos de Constance Meinwald e Mary Louise Gill. Quero (...)
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  26. Publish and Be Damned? continent. visits independent publishers fair.Bernhard Garnicnig - 2012 - Continent 2 (4):269-288.
    I love books for many things, but I despise them for introducing a physical limit to the free circulation of knowledge (compared to the Internet). At least, that's what I had always thought. continent. is an online journal aiming at, among other things, breaking with the established paradigms of how academic work has to be published in order to be respected among relevant peers. I'm the engineer behind the current version of continent. , making it work and keeping it running (...)
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  27.  31
    L’impossible demoiselle.Philippe Artieres - 2000 - Clio 11.
    Louise Chardon écrit à l'automne 1901 son autobiographie ; elle a 25 ans mais Louise n'est pas une demoiselle : elle a quitté l'école à onze ans pour entrer comme apprentie chez une échantillonneuse ; abusée sexuellement par un parent de son employeuse, placée dans diverses maison de refuge prostestantes, Louise a sombré dans la marginalité ; arrêtée plusieurs fois pour vagabondage, elle est recueillie par son oncle et sa femme, M. et Mme Joly, à Saint-Etienne ; (...)
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  28.  60
    Epistemic Injustice, Paralysis, and Resistance: A (Feminist) Liberatory Approach to Epistemology.Kelly Louise Rexzy Agra - 2020 - Kritike 14 (1):28-44.
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  29. Despair: Sickness or Sin? Hopelessness and Healing in the Christian Life.Mary Louise Bringle - 1990
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  30.  18
    There's No Place Like Home: On the Place of Identity in Feminist Politics.Mary Louise Adams - 1989 - Feminist Review 31 (1):22-33.
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  31. Paulo Freire e Amílcar Cabral : razões revolucionárias e a descolonização das mentes.José Eustáquio Romão - 2012 - In José Eustáquio Romão & Moacir Gadotti (eds.), Paulo Freire e Amílcar Cabral: a descolonização das mentes. São Paulo, SP, Brasil: Ed, L Editora e Livraria Instituto Paulo Freire.
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  32. Intʻŏnet sidae chŏlmŭn sedae rŭl wihan saengjon chʻŏrhak.Sŏk-chʻŏl Yun - 2004 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Sŏul Taehakkyo Kyŏngyŏng Taehak Chŏnja Sanggŏrae Chiwŏn Sentʻŏ.
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  33.  14
    Heaven, Earth, and In-Between in the Harmony of Life.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1995 - Springer.
    This volume marks a phase of accomplishment in the work of the World Phenomenology Institute in unfolding a dialogue between Occidental phenomenology and the Oriental/Chinese classic philosophy. Going beyond the stage of reception, the Oriental scholars show in this collection of studies their perspicacity and philosophical skills in comparing the concepts, ideas, the vision of classic phenomenology and Chinese philosophy toward uncovering their common intuitions. This in-depth probing aims at reviving Occidental thinking, reaching to its intuitive sources, as well as (...)
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    Han'guk hyŏndae kyoyuk ch'ŏrhak kwa kyoyuk sahak ŭi chŏn'gae: 1945-yŏn esŏ 2000-yŏn kkaji.In-tʻak O. - 2001 - Sŏul-si: Hakchisa. Edited by Ch'ang-Hwan Kim & Chae-hŭng Yun.
  35.  22
    Fragmented Narratives and Multiple Tellers: Witness and Defendant Accounts in Trials.Sandra Harris - 2001 - Discourse Studies 3 (1):53-74.
    This article examines the nature and structure of witness and defendant narrative accounts in the evidential portions of courtroom trials, using the O.J. Simpson, Oklahoma Bombers and Louise Woodward trials as a database. The article proposes a means of distinguishing narrative from non-narrative accounts, using Labov's definition of the `minimal narrative' as a starting point, and puts forward a modified model of narrative structure. A range of narrative structures are explored, and the model is used to analyse a series (...)
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  36.  38
    Deliberative disagreement and compromise.Ian O’Flynn & Maija Setälä - 2022 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 25 (7):899-919.
    Deliberative democracy entails a commitment to deciding political questions on their merits. To that end, people engage in an exchange of reasons in a shared endeavour to arrive at the right answer or the best judgement they can make in the circumstances. Of course, in practice a shared judgement may be impossible to reach. Yet while compromise may seem a natural way of dealing with the disagreement that deliberation leaves unresolved – for example, some deliberative theorists argue that a willingness (...)
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  37.  52
    Arguing About Human Nature: Contemporary Debates.Stephen M. Downes & Edouard Machery (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    Arguing About Human Nature covers recent debates--arising from biology, philosophy, psychology, and physical anthropology--that together systematically examine what it means to be human. Thirty-five essays--several of them appearing here for the first time in print--were carefully selected to offer competing perspectives on 12 different topics related to human nature. The context and main threads of the debates are highlighted and explained by the editors in a short, clear introduction to each of the 12 topics. Authors include Louise Anthony, Patrick (...)
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  38. Norman O. Brown.Norman O. Brown & S. E. Pro - 1989 - In Richard Kostelanetz (ed.), Esthetics contemporary. Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books. pp. 114.
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  39. Uchenie o. Sergii︠a︡ Bulgakova o Vseedinstve i o bozhestvennoĭ Sofii.N. O. Losskiĭ - 1959
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  40. An Inquiry into the Historical Development of Philosophy in Japan.Kelly Louise Rexzy P. Agra - 2013 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 17 (2):27-59.
    What is Japanese philosophy? This paper will address this question, not by giving a survey of the works of Japanese philosophers or a definition of the subject matter of Japanese philosophy, but by attempting to present how it emerged as a distinct philosophical tradition—by sketching the controversies that gave rise to its formation; the social, intellectual, and historical factors that paved the way to its development; and the revolution of thought which finally gave it the title “Japanese philosophy.” I will (...)
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  41.  30
    A emigração ea auto-estima do brasileiro: um olhar através das revistas Veja e Istoé.Louise Scoz Pasteur de Faria - 2006 - Think - Caderno de Artigos e Casos ESPM/RS 4 (2):18-28.
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  42.  39
    Maintaining Integrity Through Clinical Supervision.Louise de Raeve - 1998 - Nursing Ethics 5 (6):486-496.
    This article suggests that there is a relationship between successfully maintaining integrity in nursing and the practical provision of opportunities for shared reflection offered by good clinical supervision. In order to establish this case, I will first give some definitions and then proceed to consider how these ideas relate conceptually. The article makes no attempt to offer empirical research as confirmation, but provides a conceptual and moral argument making use of anecdotes for puposes of clarification and illumination. It is the (...)
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  43.  11
    Yi Chae-o ŭi chŏngch'i sŏngch'al: otkit ŭl yŏmigo sidae ap e sŏda.Chae-O. Yi - 2011 - Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Chungang Books.
  44. Scratches on the Face of the Country; Or, What Mr. Barrow Saw in the Land of the Bushmen.Mary Louise Pratt - 1985 - Critical Inquiry 12 (1):119-143.
    If the discourse of manners and customs aspires to a stable fixing of subjects and systems of differences, however, its project is not and never can be complete. This is true if only for the seemingly trivial reason that manners-and-customs descriptions seldom occur on their own as discrete texts. They usually appear embedded in or appended to a superordinate genre, whether a narrative, as in travel books and much ethnography, or an assemblage, as in anthologies and magazines.6 In the case (...)
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  45.  24
    What a ‘Boo’ Can Do: Adam Goodes, Discrimination, and Norm (R)evolution.Louise Richardson-Self - 2021 - Australasian Philosophical Review 5 (2):203-210.
    ABSTRACT In this commentary I evaluate what McGowan’s project would conclude with respect to the treatment of professional Australian Football League player Adam Goodes, who was incessantly ‘booed’ by crowds for the final two years of his career. Analysing Goodes’ case in light of McGowan’s argument leads me to two observations. First, McGowan’s norm-enactment approach is incredibly useful because it explains how words like ‘boo’ (with unstable meaning) can constitute actionable discrimination. Second, however, I wonder if a narrow focus on (...)
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  46. Chosŏnch'o Tohakp'a ŭi kyŏngseron.To Hyŏn-ch'ŏl - 2013 - In Wŏn-sik Hong (ed.), Chosŏn chŏn'gi Tohakp'a ŭi sasang: 'Nakchunghak' ŭi wŏllyu. Taegu Kwangyŏksi: Kyemyŏng Taehakkyo Ch'ulp'anbu.
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    Modeling the development process of dialogical critical thinking in pupils aged 10 to 12 years.Marie-France Daniel, Louise Lafortune, Richard Pallascio, Laurance Splitter, Christina Slade & Teresa de la Garza - unknown
    This research project investigated manifestations of critical thinking in pupils 10 to 12 years of age during their group discussions held in the context of Philosophy for Children Adapted to Mathematics. The objective of the research project was to examine, through the pupils' discussions, the development of dialogical critical thinking processes. The research was conducted during an entire school year. The research method was based on the Grounded Theory approach; the material used consisted of transcripts of verbal exchanges among the (...)
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  48.  58
    How and Why to Do Just War Theory.Cian O’Driscoll, Chris Brown, Kimberly Hutchings, Christopher J. Finlay, Jessica Whyte & Thomas Gregory - 2019 - Contemporary Political Theory 20 (4):858-889.
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    Informed consent in children and young people: an introduction.Pascal Borry, Louise Stultiëns, Herman Nys & Kris Dierickx - unknown
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    Fostering Medical Students’ Commitment to Beneficence in Ethics Education.Philip Reed & Joseph Caruana - 2024 - Voices in Bioethics 10.
    PHOTO ID 121339257© Designer491| ABSTRACT When physicians use their clinical knowledge and skills to advance the well-being of their patients, there may be apparent conflict between patient autonomy and physician beneficence. We are skeptical that today’s medical ethics education adequately fosters future physicians’ commitment to beneficence, which is both rationally defensible and fundamentally consistent with patient autonomy. We use an ethical dilemma that was presented to a group of third-year medical students to examine how ethics education might be causing (...)
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